Monthly Archives: February 2020

Post 6

food, Chicken
meal of the day, N/A
desert, Key Lime Pie
vegetable, Corn
fruit, Grapes
kind of pie, Key lime
pizza topping, pineapple, bacon
ice cream flavor, Cookies and cream
snack, Ritz
flavor potato chip, BBQ
drink, Sprite
Candy bar, starburst
condiment (ketchup, mustard, etc.) N/A
nationality of food (chinese, italian, etc.) Chinese
restaurant Red Lobster
Koolaid flavor, N/A
Thanksgiving food, N/A
way to eat a potato N/A
time to get up, 5:30 am
place to shop, VS
time of day, 4:30
day of week, Friday
month. June
brand of toothpaste, N/A
brand of shampoo, ogx
place to be, My room
subject in school, N/A
class, N/A
teacher, N/A
city, Redford
article of clothing, N/A
item you own,phone and etc
pet, dogs
animal, N/A
color, BLUE
season, SUMMER
type of weather, HOT
sport, N/A
genre of music, HIP HOP, R&B
singer, Rihanna
radio station, 107.5
party music, N/A
romantic music, N/A
music to listen to when you’re sad, N/A
music to listen to when you’re angry N/A
actor, Cardi B
actress, N/A
TV channel, N/A
movie, huslters
genre of movie, N/A
place to go to the movies, AMC 12
people to see a movie with, My Boo
pair of shoes, Uggs
thing that makes you smile, Happnies
person, My Nana
family member, Me my self and i
friend, Jordan, tati,Brianna
room in your house, My room
place to be alone, My room
emoticon, ♥
online friend,  N/A
online game, N/A
IM/chat phrase, N/A
search engine, N/A
type of car,
state in the US, Michigan
place to vacation
childhood toy, AGD
childhood memory
childhood friend
food as a kid, pizza rolls
way to annoy your parents
way to get what you wanted